Traditionally, giving to charity means reaching for your checkbook. While any form of giving makes you feel great, it's even more fantastic when you get something in the process.
Enter charity jewelry.
From specific jewelry pieces created by well-known brands to entire jewelry companies founded on the premise of social good, opportunities to purchase jewelry while benefitting a great cause are endless.
3D printing is everywhere, but it still feels a bit like science fiction.
You’ve likely heard of 3D printing or seen it used on TV (3D printed organs on Grey’s Anatomy, anyone?). Maybe you even have access to a 3D printer at school or work. But have you considered 3D printed jewelry?
Many designers and jewelers have adopted this technology and are taking jewelry design to a whole new level.
While many experts attempt to define the anomalies of emerging young adults compared to older generations, one thing may not be so different after all: how much relationships matter.
Business owners have been told time and time again that relationship marketing is the key driver of a successful brand engagement strategy and this rule doesn't apply any differently when marketing to affluent millennials.
While some people today may think that, others simply fail to recognize any differences among this increasingly discussed segment of the population. The fact of the matter is that in order to stay relevant in today’s extremely competitive business environment, professionals across all industries need to know more about these young adults.
Affluence is a popular topic among industry thought leaders. Those that are making more than $100,000 annually have the resources to spend more and are looking for high quality products.
While it may take quite a few years for individuals to accumulate these kinds of earnings, some young adults have already reached this segment of the population. As this group continues to grow and provides fuel for the entire jewelry market, many jewelers have found themselves asking:
"How can I improve my marketing to affluent millennials?"