Looking for an exact price list for resizing a ring? Jewelers must consider numerous factors when determining ring resizing cost, as each element affects the materials needed and the time and effort of the procedure.
You prepare your vehicle and home for winter, but should you protect your jewelry any differently? The winter season presents its own unique risks to jewelry.
Jewelry theft. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Given that we process insurance claims for stolen jewelry on a daily basis, we turned to some of our experts to reveal the top three places jewelry is stolen from, along with tips to protect yours, of course.
Search for "homemade jewelry cleaner" and you'll get hundreds of recipes with varying ingredients and instructions. How do you know which to choose?
Always consider the source when weighing the safety and effectiveness of any DIY solution. While an organization specializing in cleaning might be better than a resource for general fashion, the best source is a jewelry expert.
The bad news: Summer is fading off into the sunset. The good news: It's time for your bling to take center stage again.
We have some end-of-summer jewelry care, cleaning, and storage tips to refresh your pretties for those holiday parties that are (believe it or not) just around the corner!