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6 Warning Signs Your Jewelry's About to Break


Warning Signs Jewelry is About to Break

Shock. Disbelief. Anguish. The all-too-familiar cycle of emotions experienced by anyone who has damaged or lost a piece of treasured jewelry.

Imagine glancing down at your left hand to see your prongs holding nothing but air. A vast expanse of nothingness where your center stone was only moments before. You frantically search the floor beneath you, scanning every surface and scouring every nook and cranny. But it's gone.

Fortunately, this dreadful situation can be avoided with an ounce of prevention - if you know what to watch for.

Warning Signs Your Jewelry's About to Break


Symptoms of a Loose Diamond

The greatest fear of the newly engaged is losing that very precious, very expensive diamond ring. Aside from misplacing the entire ring, the center stone is typically the most vulnerable.

Center stones seem to disappear with no notice. But, to the slightly trained eye, there are a few warning signs when your jewelry's about to break:

  • Too-Short Prong If you notice one of your prongs appears slightly shorter than the others, or its rounded top seems to have narrowed, the security of your center stone may be at risk.
  • Missing or Bent Prong - If you can see that one of your prongs is damaged or missing altogether, your stone is no longer properly supported and you should pay a visit to your jeweler ASAP. Whatever you do, don't take the DIY route and attempt to bend it back into place yourself.
  • Shifted Stone - Is your center stone no longer sitting level? Does it seem to have rotated slightly? Either abnormality indicates your prongs are no longer holding the stone tightly enough.

Since the center stone is the most valuable, and often most vulnerable portion of your ring, visit your jeweler for a repair as soon as possible if any of these symptoms arise.

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Bracelet, Necklace and Earring Damage

Rings aren't the only type of jewelry susceptible to wear and tear. Bracelets, necklaces and earrings all have common warning signs as well.

  • Damaged Clasps - Clasps that don't close tightly, or require a little finagling to get just right, aren't something to ignore. Your bracelet or necklace might seem secure, but even a small compromise in the integrity of the clasp puts your entire piece at risk.
  • Stretched Strands - Stretched out necklace or bracelet strands are a danger as well, especially in the case of pearls. If your pearls seem to hang slightly lower than normal, bring them in to your jeweler and ask about re-stringing.
  • Broken Earring Posts - Broken Earring Posts - Broken or bent earring posts make earring backs less reliable and more likely to slip out of your ear. Spare yourself the worry and prioritize getting the posts repaired before your next wear.

If you notice damage to your fine jewelry, get to your jeweler as soon as you can. The sooner you catch a problem, the easier–and cheaper–it will likely be to fix.

Did you know jewelry insurance through Jewelers Mutual covers jewelry that has been damaged or chipped? Check your rate by clicking the button below. 



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About Jewelers Mutual Group

Jewelers Mutual was founded in 1913 by a group of Wisconsin jewelers to meet their unique insurance needs. Later, consumers began putting their trust in Jewelers Mutual to protect their jewelry and the special memories each piece holds. Today, Jewelers Mutual continues to support and move the industry forward by listening to jewelers and consumers and offering products and services to meet their evolving needs. Beyond insurance, Jewelers Mutual’s powerful suite of innovative solutions and digital technology offerings help jewelers strengthen and grow their businesses, mitigate risk, and bring them closer to their customers. The Group insurers’ strong financial position is reflected in their 38 consecutive “A+ Superior” ratings from AM Best Company, as of November 2024. Policyholders of the Group insurers are members of Jewelers Mutual Holding Company. Jewelers Mutual is headquartered in Neenah, Wisconsin, with other Group offices in Dallas, Texas and Miami, Florida. To learn more, visit